Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States and
Canada today. It is a gradual, progressive eye disease associated with
pressure build-up within the eye. It usually progresses with no pain or other
Although sight lost to glaucoma can never be restored, early diagnosis and
prompt treatment may bring glaucoma under control and halt its progress. If
you answer yes to the following questions, you are at a higher risk for
glaucoma, and I recommend that you see your doctor annually.
 | Do you have diabetes?
 | Do you have blood relatives with glaucoma?
 | Has a doctor treated you for or said you have glaucoma?
 | Have you had an eye injury or eye surgery?
 | Have you noticed a change in vision in the last 12 months?
 | Are you African-American and over the age of 45?
 | Are you over age 65?
 | Was your last eye exam more than two years ago?
 | Was your last dilated eye exam more than two years ago?
If you answered yes
to one or more questions,
you should arrange for a
professional eye exam.