When first introduced, computers were almost exclusively used by adults.
Today, students increasingly use these devices both for education and
recreation. Millions of students use computers on a daily basis at school and
at home. Visual demands in school stress the fundamentals of binocular vision,
especially when there is an emphasis on the VDT viewing environment. The
process of coordination between binocular vision and the accommodative, or
focusing system is under constant stress. Studies have found that the
convergence system, where the eyes turn in toward each other as the object
moves closer, plays a significant role in vision stress. Additionally, the
eyes should turn down, as well as in when they view a close object. This
results in a normal near viewing posture which is duplicated optimally with
book reading. The viewing of a near object at a raised, or eye-level as is
often seen in VDT environments, is awkward and unnatural. Visual stress can
affect all areas of performance.

Lighting is one of the most overlooked and under-emphasized components of
our indoor environment. Whether working at the computer or in a warehouse
arena, our field of vision needs to be free of reflections and sources of
glare. Our lighting needs to prevent problems not cause them. Lighting is
effective when it allows the student to see the details of a given task easily
and accurately. Comfort in lighting is a very individual concern and must be
addressed on a one-to-one level; no one lighting pattern will work for every
working situation. Those in charge of classroom lighting need to learn what is
available to help them make the right choices for the students. Lighting and
vision are interdependent factors and must both be considered when designing a
classroom environment for maximum efficiency. It is imperative that we
increase the awareness and knowledge of how lighting can and will affect
school work.
Visual headaches most often occur toward the front of the head (there are a
few exceptions to this), occur most often toward the middle or end of the day,
do not appear upon awakening, often occur in a different pattern on weekends
than during the week, can occur on one side of the head more than the other,
and other more general symptoms.
An important factor that affects our ability to see well in the classroom
is the quality of light. Good quality light creates good visibility and visual
comfort. This can be accomplished with attention to brightness, contrast,
quantity of light and color of light. Contrast between a task object and its
immediate background must be sufficient to enable the student to clearly view
the task. Discussion of the contrast ratios involved in classroom lighting
should be considered so rooms can be set up to maximize productivity without
increasing eyestrain.
Too much or too little light can inhibit the student's ability to
effectively see the task. Comfortable light levels will vary with the
individual. Comfortable light levels will also vary with the task. The more
rapid, repetitive and lengthy the task, the more important it is to have
enough light. With these types of tasks the eye is more vulnerable to fatigue
and the worker to declined productivity. Children often use computers in a
home or classroom with less than optimum lighting. The lighting level for the
proper use of a computer is about half as bright as that normally found in a
classroom. Increased light levels can contribute to excessive glare and
problems associated with adjustments of the eye to different levels of light.

Different colors of light will create different moods or atmospheres that
will affect a student's sense of well being and level of productivity. Color
corrected lights come closest to nature's light, imitating the color rendition
of the noonday sun and adding a whole new sense of well being to the classroom
environment. This can be achieved by altering the lighting sources, or
installing a special filter that can be placed between the lens and lamp of a
fixture, or fit as a sleeve over each lamp. The many factors involved with
deciding which lamps and/or lighting products and how to choose them should be
discussed in detail when designing classrooms.
Lighting for the classroom of today is distinctively different from what
has been acceptable in the past. The average ambient light levels in most
classrooms are too high, too inefficient and too costly. The trend now calls
for reduced ambient lighting supplemented by adjustable task lighting.
Recommended light levels for today's computerized classroom is 40-50
foot-candles for ambient light, as compared to 100 foot-candles or more in
previous non-computerized offices. Many classrooms have no task lighting, yet
task lighting systems are advanced, versatile and available to illuminate work
surfaces and tasks without creating veiling reflections or glare on VDT
screens or work surfaces.
Many people inquire about the "best" colors for working on a VDT.
The actual color of the letters and screen are a secondary consideration in
this respect. More important is the contrast between the letters and the
background. The combination which offers the maximum contrast is black letters
on white background (like paper). This is very disappointing for many people,
especially considering that they often have 16 million colors from which to
choose! Be cautious of working on pale letters or very dark backgrounds in too
bright of an environment.
Lighting a classroom for maximum efficiency is a nice concept. However, in
the real world of budgets and bottom-lines, cost effectiveness is also a major
consideration. The cost of energy, of new lighting fixtures, of retrofitting,
of remodeling and more are all significant considerations which must be
balanced to achieve the most for the money spent. Approximately 86 percent of
the cost of lighting is energy consumption, while only 3 percent of the cost
is the price of the lamp. Therefore, purchasing cheaper lamps does not
necessarily indicate a cost savings. A more prudent method is to purchase
lamps which consume power more efficiently.
Recommendations regarding good classroom lighting are threefold: 1)
Learning to observe the types of lighting available to the student and to
develop ongoing awareness of how this may or may not be working; 2)
Identifying risk factors, such as glare and reflections, and the many options
for correction of these factors; 3) Developing solutions that involve teacher
responsibility, administrative cooperation and caring, and realistic cost
effective improvements.
Issues to be considered are: group re-lamping- the cost effectiveness of
replacing all lamps when they reach 2/3 of their life expectancy; new
classroom design- the cost savings and benefits of doing it right the first
time; retrofitting- replacing parts and pieces of existing fixtures as opposed
to replacing the entire system; ballast functions- the importance of
maintaining the control center of the fixture; lamp options- the many
varieties of colors and energy-efficient types of lamps that are available;
beam control- using lenses that direct the light to the desire patterns,
should all be discussed in detail.
Getting along with your Computer(s)
Here are some things to consider for students using a computer: